11 Okt

Should government data concern or serve us?

Öffnungszeiten / Beginn:

09:00 - 17:00 Uhr

11. Oktober 2022


Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

Workshop von Prof. Julia Lane, PhD (New York University), Visiting Fellow am Center for Advanced Studies

This workshop is part of the series “Statistics for the Public Good – Infrastructure Decision Making, Research and Discourse”, which introduces participants to public statistics as a process in which the design, production and communication of information (statistics) are an integral part. As with other products (architecture, furniture, food, cars, smartphones, etc.), the aim is to optimize the design (form) in relation to the use (function) of the products (“form follows function”).

There has been a marked surge in the way in which data and evidence are being used in new ways to inform policy in the United States. Although many blue ribbon committees are established whose recommendations are ignored, the U.S. Commission on Evidence-based Policymaking (Evidence Commission) has been one notable exception. Established in 2016, 11 of the 22 recommendations were enacted into law in 2018. An advisory committee established in the law currently is mulling how to implement the rest, given the twin goals of increasing the value of data for evidence building through access while also ensuring the continued trust of data providers – trust that the access to data will generate evidence that improves policies, and trust that privacy will be respected and confidentiality will be protected. Yet, the interest and need is so great, exciting activities are already underway.

Historically, states in the U.S. have been remarkably effective in their use of data.The impact of many state programs – training, human services, criminal justice, and education – is often measured by the labor market outcomes of the individuals they serve, yet each state’s data ends at state lines. That situation has posed problems for states that know their residents often cross state lines to go to school, work, and unfortunately, become incarcerated, particularly when population centers are near to state borders.

However, a secure data sharing platform, established with federal dollars as a possible blueprint to inform the Evidence Commission at the start of its deliberations, has proven to be wildly successful in providing the opportunity for states to share highly sensitive data across state lines. It is a blueprint, based on a five safes framework, that can serve as a roadmap to additional collaborative activities to propel evidence-building forward at an accelerated pace – and how they can lead to new, critically-needed measurements resulting from the massive changes in the economy and society.

This workshop will provide a discussion of the five safes framework in helping conceptualize and implement the joint determination of risk and utility. It will describe the Coleridge Initiative’s use of the US FedRAMP framework, as well as the FedRAMP approach in more detail, in terms of minimizing risk. It will then work through the role of training classes in creating value. The workshop will feature hands-on examples of how the training class worked with active discussions of what might or might not be applied to the German context.

Host: Prof. Dr. Felix Schönbrodt (LMU)

Der Workshop findet in englischer Sprache statt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Anmeldungsseite.

Das Center for Advanced Studies der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München versteht sich als Forum für den intensiven wissenschaftlichen Austausch über die etablierten Fächergrenzen hinweg. Mit seinen Aktivitäten fördert es verschiedenste Formen kooperativer Forschung sowie die interdisziplinäre Kommunikation innerhalb der Universität. Daneben unterstützt es die Einbindung von Gastwissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftlern in das akademische Leben der LMU.

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